Outsmart The Pain is an inaugural podcast curated to explore the realities of persistent pain. Join physician and pain specialist Karsten Ahlbeck, as he conducts informative and inspiring solo episodes as well as interviews with individuals and experts who understand what it’s like to live with long-term pain. Examining key themes such as symptoms, types of pain and how to receive an honest diagnosis. One in five people suffer with persistent pain, many in silence. It’s time to end the stigma and raise awareness. Listen to alter your perspective and ignite your curiosity. And to just to lift your spirits with off-pain topics as well!

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Outsmart the pain - here comes the REAL pain expert!
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Meet Cattis Olsson, a mental coach who crushed her dreams of becoming an Olympic skier for Sweden. But she changed her mind toward action despite pain, and now she helps people getting their Olympic medals!
She tells us about Facebook groups dragging people with pain down, therefore creating her own, positive and uplifting group.
She tells us about how to go about changing your brain and mindset when pain seems to have stopped it all. Among lots of other intersting stuff.
A very interesting episode even if you don´t suffer from pain. AND there is a COMPETITION! Link this episode (or just say something about the podcast itself)
on your social media and tell us where you did so to info@karstenahlbeck.com, and you can win Cattis´book in English: "The invisible pain - my faithful companion" (valid for 2 weeks after publishing).

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Insights from S2E9 - wise British words about pain
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Spare these 5-6 minutes to hear what dr Dominic Aldington and I discussed last week. How doctors give people opioids and then tell them to stop when its kind of too late. Why he is not impressed by pain research. What does VOMIT stand for? And you even get to know what a former capital was called if you pay attention.
Also, there will be a short info about next weeks´program. What I didn´t tell you was that there will be a ....giveaway for that episode! You can get a book written by my next guest!
So listen to this one. And next week. And then continue on like that.

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Outsmart the pain - wise British words about pain
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Meet Dominic Aldington, a British pain specialist who is very good with his patients, and also a great lecturer, among other things.
He does not seem to be afraid to say what he thinks, and although some comments are well concealed within his humour we do cover surgery, opioids, research.....
What is VOMIT? Why are people treated as drug addicts and not adults when using opioids, although it is us in health care who started their treatment? What is all this rubbish in research he is talking about?
We are being a bit provocative, but hopefully our talk makes your thoughts gather inside your head. And as for myself - I could listen to this kind of English forever. Not mine that is, but mr Aldington´s.
Join me for another great episode which I hope you will enjoy!

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Insights from S2E7 - Medical myths busted
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
As always, these insight episodes are very short, for you to take that little moment to recap what has been said or get an idea if it would be of interest to listen to the full episode.
This time I talk about Medical Myths, where Simon Körösi tells us about his facts regarding sleep, coffee, pregnancy, PAIN, and other things.
And you also get a teaser of upcoming episodes!
I am happy to have you here - keep listening and tell your friends and colleagues to do as well!

Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Outsmart the pain - medical myths busted!
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Simon Körösi is a physician who has his own podcast about "medical truths"....which aren´t true at all. We will discuss these "facts" through some of his episodes, for instance:
How dangerous is coffee? Can pregnant women eat sushi.....and can you see what gender the child will be just by the shape of the belly?
Is it dangerous to wake someone up who is sleepwalking? This and many more things are covered.
Maybe not busting myths but getting into a very enlightning episode about something as serious as suicide, we also talk about.
But Simon´s own story is interesting enough - being around 30 years old, he has started a maternity clinic in Africa....and he has actually been involved in the Nobel Prize as well.
This is an episode you can´t miss!
Simon says.....and you need to listen.

Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Insights from S2E5 - the operational psychologist explains!
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
What is an operational psychologist? Instead of only preparing soldiers before they leave for service abroad, an operational psychologist is actually on site during the missions. I will tell you what Niclas had to say about that, as well as the talk about health care personel working during the pandemic. Both areas have stress as a common denominator.
We also talked about how to work with this, and what you can do yourself. I share my thoughts on how this can relate to someone having persistent pain. And I present an upcoming guest, a former "little chap" who will visit this pod in episode 9, as well as next guest (episode 7) who will crush some medical myths among other things.
As I write this, we just passed 2000 downloads! I am so happy to have you with me and hope you continue to listen!
Happy listening.

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Outsmart the pain - the operational psychologist explains
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Meet operational psychologist Niclas Wisén, and let him tell you about his work withing the Swedish Armed Forces as well as helping health care personel in the intensive care setting.
Why could the Swedish armed forces be a good first employer for a young person?
How do you train soldiers that freeze during action because of the stress? And what in the world is "conduct after capture"?
Niclas tells us about how stress brings out both the best and the worst of us. And that you never can be neutral at your workplace; you can maintain the athmospere, but that´s something different.
We talked about the imbalance between your resources and demands, how to be in the green or yellow zone but not get into the red one.
I even outed myself a bit, saying how I sometimes feel as head of department, and we talked about management.
And finally I got to ask the question I have been waiting for so long - do psychologists always evaluate people around them? Should I be afraid of this dinner guest....?
Jump right in and join me in this exciting episode!

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Insights from S2E3 - looking beyond the fracture
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
In this insight episode I somewhat summarize what orthoped surgeon and business area manager Tobias Wirén talked about. Even if you are not into fractures, you should listen to this. As always, these insight episodes are very short, but that´s the meaning of it all! On the way to your work, you can find out if you want to listen to the long version or not. Now how good is that!
In the next episode in a week from now, we will meet a psychologist who has been working with the Swedish Armed Forces as well as health care personel in the midst of the pandemic. You can´t miss that. Either.
I am so happy to have you here. Spread the word.

Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Outsmart the pain - looking beyond the fracture ......
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Sunday Jan 23, 2022
Tobias Wirén - an orthopedic surgeon not only moving from surgeon and head of department to business area manager in Capio, but also moving from ”the fracture to the person behind the fracture”.
I had a very interesting talk covering why women might be better surgeons than men, why hospitals actually have made patients more sick and that the system actually is too expensive than necessary. But also about getting an AI emergency room answer in 8 seconds and how to deal with patients who are complaining.
And why does not that orthopedic procedure solve all pain problems? Do we expect too much from the MRI scans?
This and much more in this episode interesting for everyone including physicians and managers.
And - if you spot my Monthy Python reference and tell me at karsten@karstenahlbeck.com you can be the lucky one getting a signed copy of my book (randomly chosen)! Valid until next guest is visiting my show :-)

Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Insights from S2E1 - Inside Stefan Sauk´s brain!
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
Sunday Jan 16, 2022
A short summary of my talk with famous Swede Stefan Sauk. Musical. Prostate cancer. Lorry. And what do I have to say about his criticism about hip replacement surgeries in Sweden? And we touch upon a in the future described illegal operation.
Few minutes. Less work. Just listen for a while!